command | args | description |
view-height | N/A | Shows height of the block explorer and mins since the last block. |
view-address | p2pkh_address [limit] [offset] | Shows txs that reference the p2pkh address. Output is limited to 500 txs by default. Use 'm' to specify max limit. |
view-utxos | p2pkh_address [limit] [offset] | Shows the unspent transaction outputs for the given p2pkh address. Output is limited to 500 txs by default. Use 'm' to specify max limit. |
view-balance | p2pkh_address | Shows the balance in the given p2pkh address. |
view-block | block_number or block_hash | Shows a summary of information about a block. |
view-raw-block | block_number or block_hash | Shows the raw data of a block, including all txs, in hexadecimal format. |
view-tx | tx_hex OR block_height + index_position | Shows the information regarding the given transaction. |
view-raw-tx | tx_hex OR block_height + index_position | Shows the raw data of a transaction in hexadecimal format. |
push | raw_tx | Broadcasts the raw transaction to the bitcoin network. |
* [] Brackets mean the parameter is optional.
* You can also simply provide an address, transaction hash, block hash, or block number and this tool will figure out what command you mean.